

My wife was very kind and picked up Borderlands for me as an early birthday present! I have been excited about this game for quite a while. I think the first time I took interest in the game was an article on Kotaku on the art direction. In much the same way that the art invigorated the team members, it really brought my interest level up.

So how is it?

FUN! I have been enjoying it immensely! The media released for this game basically says it all, in my opinions. The gameplay is pretty straightforward shooter. It has a sort of "old school" feeling, exhilerating in a way that reminds me of how I felt about playing Perfect Dark on the N64.

I am about level 16 with the Siren character so far. Until last night, I hadn't really stumbled upon any of the games super interesting guns. I did find a pistol that fired incendiary rounds, but I've had that in other games. But last night I was raiding a bandit safe-house, and I came across a semi-automatic pistol with moderate damage, but an insanely fast firing rate. (reminding me of the Cyclone from Perfect Dark...) Basically, with this weapon, I can take an enemy down with an extended squeeze of the trigger. I also found one of the games more.. silly weapons. A rocket firing-shotgun. I had to agree with my friend, Nathan, that such weapons seem pretty stupid. However.. when I picked it up and started using it.. Well, I've flagged in my commitment to "pure" weapons. The gun is basically a rocket launcher, but it fires quicker and uses my shotgun ammo.. Oh, and it does a ton of damage to my foes. Despite my doubts, it was an exciting pickup.

The vehicles add a lot to the game as well. Early on in the game, you are fighting these dog-like creatures with chitinous armour on their head and shoulders. They are tougher at low-levels for a player on foot. However, once you have access to the dune-buggy, you are able to run them, and any bandits, over with ease. The vehicles add a very mad-max kind of feel to the game.

At first I was worried that the game was too easy. I walked through the intro and several of the missions without being punished for my mistakes. I started to fear that the game was going to be very slow and boring. Then, I started accepting more quests and exploring. If you aren't careful, you can walk into areas filled with higher level enemies who will take you apart. Lot's of the classic techniques: circle strafing, diagonal jumping, running backwards, etc.. come in handy here.

So far, the game is a blast. I had a buddy stop over for some split-screen co-op, and that was great. We didn't have access to the vehicle yet, but I have a good feeling that having a separate driver/gunner will be amazing. It has taken a great deal of willpower for me to write this and not play the game, but alas, it is wearing me down, and I must cave to the pressure!

Good hunting!

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