
I Game On a Budget: Origins

Who am I?

My name is Devlin. I am a 25 year old (at the time of this writing) student who enjoys playing video games in his spare time. I served in the United States Navy for four years. I have studied Philosophy and Graphic Design. Currently I focus more on the graphic design.

I decided to start this blog after reading other gaming blogs that I enjoy, brainygamer.com being the first among them. I enjoy intelligent discourse on games. I am not looking to make any money or become famous. I just want to join in on the discourse on my hobby.

I've entitled the blog I Game on a Budget because I have a wife, mortgage, two dogs, and responsibility. I love new games and can become swept up on the hype trains as much as anyone else, but I limit my video game spending to roughly the equivalent of one new game a month. Sometimes I will get a few cheaper games, or borrow them from my friends. As such, this is not the place to come for timely reviews or sneak peeks at new games. I am here to discuss games in-depth. Since I am limited in my purchases, I try to get the most out of a game before turning to something new.

I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it and perhaps will join in the discussion.

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