
Fallout 3 anecdote (but not the promised one..)

So, after having considerable trouble installing Microsoft .Net Framework 3, in order that I could use Games for Windows Live to download the Mothership Zeta DLC for Fallout 3... I finally was able to download, and play the Mothership Zeta DLC for Fallout 3.

I have not finished the quest yet, but I have enjoyed it thus far. The sort of 50's inspired designs for the aliens equipment and ship just really works for me. I hate the aliens that have some kind of shielding though!

So, on to the anecdote. First, you must know that for some strange reason, I have an irrational fear of aliens. Yes, it makes no sense whatsoever for someone who attempts to be rational in most, if not all things to fear aliens. But I do. Especially the "greys." I was able to like Elvis in Perfect Dark.. But I don't know how. So the aliens in Fallout 3 are not quite the right style to really bring on the fear, but they are very very close. Then came the abominations. They are so tough and so much like what I fear for no good reason that they really amped up the fright-factor for me.

They give me the heeby-jeebies. So I'm playing through the quest, finding the recordings of the people that the aliens have captured previously. They are sometimes funny and sometimes sad or scary (for me..). I am having a good ol' time.

Then comes last night. I did not sleep particularly well. A couple of times I woke up and was just thinking about aliens. Not something I want to think about with a tired brain and no light. Finally 10 till 5:00 rolls around and it is time for me to get up and walk the dogs. We got a lot of rain here yesterday. So it was incredibly foggy out this morning. Maybe 20 feet visibility. The sun was not yet up. So it is just me and my tiny dogs, walking down dark streets, seeing the halos around street lights. PERFECT after someone with an irrational fear of aliens has been playing a game about alien abductions.

I know, toughen up, wise up, and whatever else up I can do to get over it. It is an irrational fear, no matter how much I think it through, I can not truly get over it. So there.

Anyway, thus far the DLC has been incredibly fun, and somewhat cathartic. I usually am not a huge fan of killing things for the sake of doing so... But blowing these aliens to hell kind of makes me feel good.


Gaming heaven?

I know that we are in the strange time right now, summer, when big game releases are infrequent. For me, this has been nice. As I have mentioned previously, I am extremely succeptible to being swept away by the media bandwagon and yearning for the next big thing. With our current "drought," I've been able to catch up on the games that I have, and try out an awesome Indie game.

I recently suffered some pc problems, and had to do a system restore. Much to my chagrin, my "my documents" folder was wiped. This folder is where most new games keep their saves. So I lost my Fallout 3 save. I was pretty upset at first. But now, I am replaying the game, and having loads of fun doing so. As strange as it seems, this game still has me hooked. I had a level 29 character, over 130 hours into the game, and yet I can start over and not feel too bad about it. I think that this speaks volumes about the game.

I have also been playing Red Faction Guerrilla. This game is a lot of fun. Demolishing buildings is a surprisingly fun concept for a game. Add the guerrilla nature to the conflict, and you have an interesting, if troubling game. Despite what they have said, I am sure that the designers had to consider current events when they made the game. I have struggled some to reconsile my role in this game, but the storyline does justify the means you employ. Though I am certain that most fighters in a conflict feel justified. Anyway, this game is fun, and I shall relate an anecdote when I have more time.

The other game I picked up recently is Trine. I bought it off of Steam. What a fun, beautiful game. The physics based puzzles are interesting, as is the application of multiple characters. I am short on time, but I hope to give a really detailed explanation of my affection for this game soon.

Short post, but that's what I am playing, and enjoying at the moment.